Weave information sessions: NWO Funding for collaborations with Flanders or Germany

Weave information sessions: NWO Funding for collaborations with Flanders or Germany

BiBB STEM Career Day – 20 November 2024

Get inspired about STEM career opportunities in governance, politics and policy.

Call for nomination for prizes

Deadline 1 Oct. 2024 for Minerva Prize and Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa Thesis Award

DPC Afternoon meeting for new PI’s

22 January 2024 3rd DPC Afternoon meeting

Talieh Ghiasi wins Minerva Prize 2023

Talieh Ghiasi (Harvard and TU Delft)

1st live DPC meeting: an afternoon meeting for all new PI’s

Meeting details: 3 April 2023 at NH Koningshof, Veldhoven

Carmem M. Gilardoni wins the Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa thesis prize 2022

She carried out her PhD research in the group of Caspar van der Wal (RUG)

NNV’s FYSICA conference, 26 May 2023, Delft

Nynke Dekker wins Physica Prize 2023

Nynke Dekker, prof. single molecule nanoscale biophysics at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at TUD

4-5 April, 2023 NWO Physics at Veldhoven

This year’s theme: MOTION

‘Bèta in Bestuur & Beleid’ career day

9 Nov 2022 – 1st Bèta in Bestuur & Beleid career day for STEM PhD students, postdocs and master students

Lorentz Medal awarded to Daan Frenkel

Lorentz Medal 2022 awarded to Daan Frenkel

Three physicists elected as new KNAW members

3 new KNAW members: Daniel Bonn, Roberta Croce and Maria Antonietta Loi

Minerva Prize 2021: two laureates

Wiebke Albrecht and Natalia Chepiga are the winners of the Minerva Prize 2021

Anne Meeussen wins the Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa thesis prize

Anne Meeussen (AMOLF/LEI) wins the Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa physics thesis award 2021

Conference NWO Physics connects – 25-26 January 2022

Physics@Veldhoven takes place at 25 and 26 January 2022. Theme of the 2022 edition is Physics Connects.

Spinoza Prize 2021: prof. Lieven Vandersypen (TU Delft/QuTech)

Six researchers awarded the highest distinction in Dutch Science, and receive 2.5 million euros.

Conference Dutch Biophysics 2021

11-12 October 2021: online edition of DutchBiophysics conference on molecular and cellular biophysics

Insight Out - Inspiring Women in Stem

Event: Insight Out event for women in STEM

STEM career event: four days in June 2021 full of sessions about ‘Learning from and inspiring each other’

Physics community successful in National Growth Fund

Physics community successful in National Growth Fund

Extra impulse of 1.35 billion euros for innovation from the National Growth Fund

Sanli Faez

New The Young Academy member: Sanli Faez

Dr Sanli Faez (UU) is per 23 March 2021 one of the ten new members of The Young Academy

Daniel Bonn

Daniel Bonn wins Physica Prize 2021

Daniel Bonn (UvA), a leading expert in soft matter, is awarded the Physica Prize 2021

Event: FYSICA 16 April 2021

Koen Bastiaans

Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa physics thesis prize 2020

Koen Bastiaans (LEI) wins the 1st Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa thesis prize of the DPC

Robbert Dijkgraaf in ScienceMakersLAB

Role model Prof. Dr. Robbert Dijkgraaf – ScienceMakersLAB: Inspiration from practice (in Dutch only)

New Councils

Establishment of Councils for Physics and Chemistry

Set up of new Councils for Physics and for Chemistry that promote the academic science and education