1st STEM career day (Bèta in Bestuur & Beleid – BiBB)

The first STEM career day (Bèta in Bestuur & Beleid – BiBB)  is organised on 9 November at the KNAW Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. On this day, speakers from different STEM disciplines will share their experiences about their political, managerial and policy field of work, and there will be lots of networking as well. All with the aim to inspire PhD students, postdocs and master students (STEM background) for career options.

More information can be found here. One can register until 21 October 2022, limited tickets available!

The new initiative ‘Bèta in Bestuur & Beleid’ (BiBB) is a product of a DPC Working Group chaired by Liedewij Laan (TUD). BiBB-team is developing various types of actions that will bring the policy and science worlds closer together; the STEM career day is one of these actions. Their long-term aim is to increase the number of STEM-trained politicians and civil servants. Their short-term aim is to convince politicians and public administrators of the profitable effects deriving from associating with young STEM scientists. A little more information can be found here.