Dutchphysics.org aims to give a complete overview of all physics research in The Netherlands
The website www.dutchphysics.org is set up by the ‘Platform Academische Natuurkunde’ (PAN, Platform Academic Physics), NWO Domain Science and the Netherlands’ Physical Society (NNV). Use the search engine or select a location on the map of The Netherlands to explore more. View also the links to e.g. vacancies for various opportunities.
Bèta in Bestuur & Beleid (BiBB)
The initiative ‘Bèta in Bestuur & Beleid’ is developing various types of actions to bring the policy and science worlds closer together. Their long-term aim is to increase the number of STEM-trained politicians and civil servants. Their short-term aim is to convince politicians and public administrators of the profitable effects deriving from associating with young STEM scientists.
Netherlands’ Physical Society (in Dutch: Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging)
The Netherlands’ Physical Society (NNV) was founded as early as 1921 and aims to serve the interests of Physics. The NNV is there for all physicists, whether they are students, employed in research, education, private companies or government.
Advisory Council for Science, Technology and Innovation
In Dutch only: Wetenschap, technologie en innovatie zijn van groot belang voor Nederland. Ze zijn onontbeerlijk voor de economische groei en voor het vinden van oplossingen voor maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Denk aan veiligheid, klimaatproblematiek, mobiliteit of volksgezondheid. Nederland staat van oudsher bekend als een land waarin wetenschap, technologie en innovatie floreren. Voor een toekomstbestendig Nederland is het belangrijk dat we deze sterke positie behouden. De AWTI (Adviesraad voor wetenschap, technologie en innovatie) wil met zijn adviezen aan regering en parlement bijdragen aan dit toekomstbestendige Nederland.
Rathenau Instituut – Research and dialogue relating to the societal aspects of science, innovation and technology
The Rathenau Instituut supports the formation of public and political opinion on socially relevant aspects of science and technology. It conducts research on this subject and organises debates on science, innovation, and new technology.
KNAW – Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences
The KNAW serves as a learned society representing the full spectrum of scientific and scholarly disciplines. It act as a management body for national research institutes and advises the Dutch Government on matters related to scientific pursuit.
Top sector Energy – empowering the new economy
Top sector Energy (TSE) is the driving force behind innovations that are necessary for the transition to an affordable, reliable and sustainable energy system. The transition paths from the energy agenda determine the priorities of the TSE.
Top sector High Tech Systems and Materials (HTSM)
Top Sector High Tech Systems and Materials (HTSM) unites industry, academia and government in key enabling technologies for grand societal challenges.
Natuurkunde.nl offers (education) information about physics for anyone (films, articles, chat for Q&A and so on)
In Dutch only: Ben je scholier, docent of gewoon geïnteresseerd in natuurkunde? Dan vind je hier een schat aan informatie, zoals artikelen, uitlegfilmpjes, applets en natuurlijk oefen- en eindexamenopgaven met uitwerkingen. Kortom:
Alles over natuurkunde!