Weave information sessions: NWO Funding for collaborations with Flanders or Germany

Announcement from NWO to all researchers that make use of the NWO Open Competition ENW-M programme

Would you like to share the following with your (physics) colleagues?

Potential applicants and other interested parties are cordially invited to attend an information session on the Weave initiative, the new collaboration opportunity between Dutch and Flemish or German researchers. You can subscribe using the application form at the following links.

1 Oct, 13.00-15.00h: online information session Weave FWO-NWO

2 Oct, 13.00-15.00h:  online information session Weave DFG-NWO

Funding for bilateral collaborations with researchers affiliated in Flanders and Germany

By submitting a Weave proposal researchers affiliated in the Netherlands can now apply for funding for bilateral collaborations with researchers from Flanders or Germany. Weave proposals can be submitted to the NWO Open Competition ENW-M programme, the Junior/senior research projects for fundamental research programme of the Flemish funding agency FWO and the Research Grants Programme of the German funding agency DFG.

What is Weave?

Weave is an initiative set up by European research funders to fund bottom-up cross-border research and works according the lead agency principle. Researchers submit their Weave proposal to one research funder (lead agency), which is responsible for the scientific assessment. Upon awarding by the lead agency, the research funders of the other countries and regions (partner agencies) fund their “own researchers” and thus typically follow the decision of the organisation to which the proposal is submitted.

Information sessions

During the information session, NWO and FWO/DFG will share practical information about submitting a bilateral Weave application to NWO or FWO/DFG as lead agency or partner agency. Topics that will be covered include amongst others submission requirements, deadlines, budget and procedure.

More information

More information on requirements, deadlines, Call for proposal: Open Competitie ENW – M 2024/2025 | NWO

More information on Weave-pilot Open Competition Science: Weave: research funding for international collaboration | NWO

More information on Weave: Weave – Research funding without borders (weave-research.net)

Best wishes,

Shashini Munshi

Project leader Weave pilot NWO