Our partners

The Dutch Physics Council in Dutch physics
As a representative of Dutch academic physics research and education, the Council has an initiating and signaling role and is a discussion partner for:
- NWO, Round Table Physics – Advisory committee of physics researchers in the Netherlands;
- The Netherlands’ Physical Society (NNV), the royal professional association of physics and physicists for society in the Netherlands;
- Top sectors, like Energy and HTSM, represent sectors with a top team composed of prominent representatives from science, government and active small and medium-sized enterprises, and have one or more top consortia for Knowledge and Innovation;
- Industrial partners: from various large companies to small and mid-sized enterprises active in the field of physics;
- Science deans at universities and directors of institutes with physics research and education;
- Sectorplancommissie Bèta & Techniek, the special committee responsible for advice on resource allocation in science and technology for university research and education.